December 14, 2020

A Journey Through Time – Year 5 and 6 Trip to Cheung Chau 

Our Year 5 and 6 pupils were on a trip to Cheung Chau on 20 November. 

The purpose of the trip was to teach young people how to cope in real life situations and to develop the attributes of a leader and a team player during nature-based experiential challenges. These coping strategies are which we often referred to as ‘Life Skills’ – skills that will prove beneficial to our pupils for the rest of their lives. 




The activities spread-out across this one-day trip enriched curriculum links and pupils’ understanding of the civilisation and heritage of Hong Kong.  The trip also examined the unique geological formations, whilst hiking and bouldering along the coastline of Cheung Chau Island.  The pupils also studied various living things and their habitats, such as examining inter-tidal zones as well as observing behaviours of small sea creatures.

They also looked at bush craft, examining art forms found naturally in nature and creating land art pieces, such as small sculptures during the lunch break on the beach area. Our pupils also created a shelter from found objects on the beach, such as bamboo and rocks, which developed pupils’ team building and logical thinking skills, by allowing them to think rationally when creating functional pieces on land.




During this trip, our pupils developed their navigational and map reading skills, learned how to study rock and intertidal formations, created a shelter which developed their basic survival skills, created land art in the natural environment to develop their wilderness skills, and learned to climb rocks and boulders, which for many was their first ever opportunity to experience such things.

There was plenty of positive feedback from the trip and our pupils have not stopped asking if a date has already fixed for another trip!