September 29, 2020

Back To School! 

It was school resumption day on Wednesday, 23 Sep for our Year 3-6 followed by our Year 1 and 2 who started on Tuesday 29 September.  Under the masks are the different faces of joy and anticipation.  Our teachers and pupils were excited to see each other face-to-face again. Our Headmaster, Mr Howard Tuckett was at the main door welcoming the return of our pupils, “I am delighted that we have been able to welcome our pupils back to full-day teaching and learning at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong”, he said.

Our pupils had their temperature taken and recorded by our School Nurse as they entered the school.

Year 1 and 2 pupils who are new to the school were ushered by their class teachers to their classrooms, who helped them to settle in. 



The usual morning assembly is now spread over different days of the week, according to the year the pupils are in.  Some had their assembly in the school atrium, whilst other year groups had theirs via Zoom links, direct to their respective classrooms.