September 13, 2022

A Wonderful Start of New Academic Year at WASHK  

New Term at WASHK

This autumn marks the fourth academic year at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong. Before the start of the new academic year, there were various programmes to welcome the new parents and the returning of the academic team.


Virtual Welcome Day

Two virtual welcome days were organised for the new parents at the end of August. 
Our Headmaster, Mr Tuckett, and Deputy Head, Ms Yang, gave a warm welcome to the new parents followed by important information for the first day of school and what students can look forward to in the coming year.


Our Head of Key Stage One, Ms Wood, explained the topics that the students will be learning in the coming year, all the important information for the start of school. 
And she explained the role of the Parent Representatives. We also invited two parent representatives to join the virtual welcome days and share what they like about the school.


Our Parent Representatives play a valuable role in the development of our school community at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong, and we are very grateful for their support over the past few years.

All the new parents and their children were very excited about the first day of school and joining our community.


Inset Day
The academic team were also delighted to be back after a refreshing summer holiday. 

Before the start of the new school year, we had a three-day Inset programme to prepare our teaching members. The programme included induction for new teachers, meetings of each Key Stage teams to finalise the learning objectives for each year group, intensive first aid training and a safeguarding update for all teachers. 


Most importantly, each class teacher extended a warm welcome to their students by carefully preparing their classrooms. 


New teachers join the academic teamThe school welcomes several new teaching members to the academic team to support the development of the school.


Ms Tiffany Guo joins Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong as a Chinese teacher for Year1, Y3, Y5 & Y8. Ms Guo has taught Chinese for 13 years in Mainland China, the United States and Hong Kong.

“I am very excited to join the WASHK teaching team. I enjoy teaching Chinese and I feel very proud and happy when I see my students make progress in Chinese. ”

Chinese Language learning is an integral part of the daily lessons for all WASHK students. Our students primarily learn to read and write in simplified characters, although they are also exposed to traditional characters.


Ms Shanice Newsholme joins the WASHK family as Year 2 class teacher. Originally from Manchester in the UK, Ms Newsholme moved to Hong Kong 4 years ago to pursue her dream of teaching children abroad.

“I believe that teachers play an important role in society by setting foundations that allow children to have a happy and successful future. It is a pleasure to work with students every day, teaching them and helping them achieve their goals. 

I want to encourage and inspire students to believe in themselves and take on any challenges with the confidence that I and the team at Wycombe Abbey have helped shape.”


Mr Justin Griffin is another class teacher in the WASHK family, he is the Class Teacher of Year 4. Mr Griffin originally from Scotland and has spent the last 9 years living abroad in New Zealand, Vietnam and China. He has over 6 years of teaching experience. 

He started his teaching career in 2016 in Ho Chi Minh City, where he taught English to Grades 6-8 at a government middle school. He then moved to Hong Kong and taught K1-K3 for 4 years before moving to the primary school sector.

“I believe that my responsibility as a teacher is to help students unlock their true potential. In the classroom, I strive to give everyone the opportunity to explore new interests and become life-long learners.”


First Day of SchoolWycombe Abbey School Hong Kong opened for the new school year on 1 September 2022. The start of a new school year is always something of an undertaking with so many new students, new members of staff and invariably, new structures and procedures being introduced.



We were very pleased with the way that our first day went. It was a delight to be able to welcome so many of our students into school, all so keen and eager to get started.


New classes of children were happily, in their rooms and everyone was settled and working away very quickly on the first morning. 

We were so impressed by how quickly our new year- groups had settled. Even our Year One students, who are all new to each other, were looking like they had been at school for years.


It was really a very encouraging start to the new academic year!