June 17, 2021

A World Class Education at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong

After many stints abroad and finally settling in Hong Kong, hear from Danny and his family on why they chose Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong for their son Olve, currently a Year 2 student.



Danny's Family Photo



Danny's son Olve, currently a Year 2 student of WASHK


(The following is written in first-person narrative)


I met my wife Tonje eleven years ago, and we have 2 children together. I am originally from England, and Tonje is from Norway and we've lived in Norway, the UK, and Singapore, before finally settling in Hong Kong. We moved around a lot and realised the benefits of the international lifestyle, just in terms of opening up your mind and new experiences.


When we had our children, we wanted them to have the same opportunities to see the world as we did. In 2018 I received a job opportunity and we decided to relocate and settle in Hong Kong.



We have two children. Olve, age 7 and currently Year 2 at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong, and our younger son Ivo, age 3 (who isn’t old enough for WASHK yet but he will be joining WASHK in two years!).



We were very impressed with the school; the positive environment, the quality of the curriculum and teachers, and the diversity of the community. It aligned with what attracted us about the international lifestyle, and we wanted Olve to be in this surrounding.


The school facilities are outstanding, modern and bright. It was a great learning environment which led us to decide to move Olve to Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong.



Since Olve has started at WASHK, his development has met and exceeded our expectations. It has been day and night over the last twelve months in all the aspects. Not just academically which Olve has improved incredibly, but socially and physically.


His behaviour, in terms of his conduct and how he communicates with respect and emotional empathy to his peers and adults, has grown tremendously. We’ve been so happy to see this change in Olve in such a short time at the school.



As someone who works in human resources, I do a lot of senior level recruitment. There has been a lot of change in the attributes that these organisations look for when they are searching for the top talent in their industries. In a world where automation and artificial intelligence capabilities are accelerating, it is getting much more difficult to find talent that can separate their abilities from what can already be done by machines.



It’s the people skills, the intangibles, and the human element that these companies are searching for. These human skills are what will develop the next leaders of the world. In the future, when my children do reach working age, this would be more so the case.


I would say to others if you’re looking for an environment where your child is encouraged to be themselves, stimulate their individualism and innate talents, and enable them to flourish, Wycombe Abbey is the place to be.



It has been a great journey for Olve thus far, and we are excited for Olve to continue this journey in the coming years ahead.