June 02, 2021

Preparing our daughter for Wycombe Abbey UK 

Cedric and Simone are parents to Chloe Portia, who is currently in Year 6 at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong. Chloe recently received offers of placement to Wycombe Abbey UK, Cheltenham Ladies College and City of London School for Girls.

Chloe will be attending Wycombe Abbey UK this September. Learn more about Chloe’s transition to Wycombe Abbey UK as Cedric and Simone share about their family’s experience at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong.

Our family has always focused on traditional British education and values. I was brought up through the UK education system, studying in the UK since the age of 9. 

My family emigrated to the UK in the mid 1980s, and I first attended a prep school in Buckinghamshire followed by six years at a grammar school in High Wycombe. Eventually I studied Engineering at Cambridge University. 

Wycombe Abbey School has always been familiar to me. Having walked past the school many times during my secondary school days, the name is synonymous with educational excellence, all-round knowledge transfer, and a wonderful environment for learning. 

Whilst I was at Cambridge, my supervisor at the time, Sarah Springman, served as a board member of Wycombe Abbey School, and she was also an alumna. She taught me structural mechanics and she inspired me on what a focused individual can achieve. From then on, I was convinced that if I have a daughter, I will send her to Wycombe Abbey.

When Chloe was born, we registered her at Wycombe Abbey School UK before she turned one year old. 

Chloe grew up in Hong Kong, and we were very adamant in Chloe having a strong, balanced education. Language for us is very important, and we wanted Chloe to be fluent and successful in a traditional English and Chinese environment. 

Chloe began her schooling at a local kindergarten here in HK, and then moved into another international school at age 5. Although the international school environment was great for Chloe in terms of learning in an English environment, I could see her Chinese skills starting to weaken as she got older. 

Being in an IB curriculum school, there was less homework and structure in the classroom compared to the more traditional UK model of teaching, which resulted in Chloe falling behind on some of her academics. 

We wanted Chloe to be stretched academically and socially, so we began searching for another school that would be more suitable for Chloe, one that had the right balance of academic rigour, discipline, and the traditional UK whole person education.

When I heard Wycombe Abbey was opening a campus in Hong Kong, we had no doubt that we wished to send our daughter to this great institution immediately. 

Cedric and I had a detailed discussion with Mr. Tuckett at their Central office, back when the Tin Wan campus was still undergoing renovations.
We were impressed by Mr. Tuckett’s enthusiasm and knowledge, as we discussed about our aim to send Chloe to Wycombe Abbey UK for secondary education. 

Mr. Tuckett described that the Hong Kong school was to be based on the British Prep School model, with a strong emphasis on the core Key Stage 2 subjects, while stressing the importance of language skills and the distinct advantage of learning and speaking Chinese. 

We believed in Mr. Tuckett’s vision for the school, so we enrolled Chloe to begin her schooling at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong starting in the school’s inaugural Year 5 class.

We have been very satisfied with everything the school has offered for Chloe and our family. From following the British National Curriculum to extra advanced and specialized lessons for Chloe, to the variety of extra-curricular activities available to explore her passions. 

When Chloe began Year 5, her class teacher Mr. Mitchell provided additional intensive learning lessons to prepare Chloe for her 11+ examinations. 

This additional support continued during her time through Year 6, with her current teacher Mr. Haslam providing extra subject lessons and examination preparation routines for Chloe. 

The small class sizes and favorable teacher/student ratio at WASHK allows for the school to provide dedicated attention to each individual student, something that Chloe’s previous school could not support. The pastoral care at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong is top-notch.

Chloe’s teachers were able to challenge her academically, while also encouraging her to be independent and speak her mind and try new things.

The Chinese curriculum at WASHK is strong, perhaps beyond our expectations! It breaks the common perception that Chinese is weak at international schools. WASHK is not your “typical” international school. 

Chloe loves her subject classes, but she also likes to rock climb, perform in the school’s drama productions, and sing in the school choir, all of which Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong provides as part of the daily curriculum.

We saw great progress in Chloe’s academics and language skills since her transition to WASHK, from reading comprehension to her mathematics and other core subjects.  

Most of all, her focus and motivation for learning has improved dramatically, and Chloe has really come out of her shell from the quiet and reserved girl she was before coming to Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong.

Headmaster Mr. Tuckett tended to our family specifically and helped guide us through the transition process to secondary school for Chloe. 

In addition to assisting our family in shortlisting secondary schools that would be a suitable fit for Chloe, Mr. Tuckett would dedicate additional hours outside of the standard school day to prepare Chloe for her admissions and assessments, even performing mock interviews with Chloe. 

The school was very accommodating, and we are very thankful for such support. With the support of the school, Chloe received offers of placement to Wycombe Abbey UK, Cheltenham Ladies College, and City of London School for Girls.

Chloe is very excited to begin her journey at Wycombe Abbey UK this September. 

We are proud of her achievements and are very much looking forward to having Chloe be a part of such a renowned school.